Edging: Why It is Worse For Your Brain Than PMO. (Video)

Edging: Why It is Worse For Your Brain Than PMO. Video by Porn Brain Reboot, Dr. Trish Leigh

About this Porn Reboot Channel: Did you know that edging is worse for you than PMO in your Nofap Porn Reboot?

Hi. I am Dr. Trish Leigh Leigh, a Cognitive Neuroscientist. I am on a mission to help people heal
their brains from porn use. My videos are designed to help you learn that:

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Porn Damages Your Brain, Mental and Physical Health, and Destroys Your Relationships.

1. Brain Shrinkage and Underactivity: It shrinks the size of your brain and decreases brain
activity, among other damaging effects. It is true! I wish it wasn’t, but it is true.
2. Porn is bad for your mental health. It creates more anxiety, depression, moodiness,
irritability, anger, and more.
3. Porn is proven to ruin your relationships. 2x as likely to break up and get divorced.

I would love for you to watch these videos to:
ï‚· Understand how porn is negatively impacting your brain, health, and life.
ï‚· How to stop watching porn, which can be difficult due to its addictive nature.
ï‚· How to heal your brain from porn use.

Every video has a strategy for you to use in your Porn Brain Reboot journey. So… watch the
videos until the END and start using the techniques to help you succeed. You can do it with the
right tools and support. That is why I am here. Go for it!
Want More Help?
I am here for you in more ways than just this channel. I have created 3 programs in 3 different
levels to provide you with the support that you need at a price you can afford.

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